So on Monday for P-day, my companion and I tried on Lederhosen for fun. Other highlights included as you may have noticed last week, checking out the new Star Wars VII toys, and attempting to meet with some members, and my companion tearing apart and rebuilding a hair cutting razor so it would work again. Tuesday we drove in the rain to Dortmund for district meeting, and afterwards spent some time as a district hitting the streets and sharing the Gospel. During that time, my companion and I found a power box with the Frankfurt Temple drawn on it, so of course I had to get a picture. In the evening we played badminton with a member and refugees, and got a bunch of food from another member. That was a surprise.
Wednesday we visited the member in the hospital again, the African shop we visit every now and then, and made cookies for the member that gave us a bunch of food the day before. In return, the member gave us even more food. Thursday we drove out to visit our American investigators, and talked about the Priesthood, and had lunch with them at a Chinese buffet. We also visited a member, and helped him with some odds and ends, and listened to him talk for an extremely long time.
Friday we were hit with an unexpected phone call. My companion got called to serve as a Tech Elder for the next transfer, something nobody was expecting. We were surprised, but we still had work to do, and had a really good appointment with the member in the hospital about the Plan of Salvation. The roommate for the member in the hospital even asked us who we were, and a few nurses, so it was fun to share the Gospel a little that way as well. We also worked on making our own Plan of Salvation, something the mission is doing. Saturday was the transfer call, where we found out how the next transfer will go down. We also had time to visit an investigator, run some errands for the member in the hospital, and break the news that Elder Pfleumer was leaving to a few members. In the evening we got a call from the current Tech Elders asking us to come to Frankfurt earlier than normal so Elder Pfleumer could learn the ropes of being a Tech Elder.
Sunday was a busy day, because we had the lady who runs the African shop come to church (we had to carefully plan as to how we could get her there) and we had a bunch of visitors from Utah come for Sacrament Meeting. Because of that, I ended up translating the meeting for the ones who couldn´t speak or understand German. I know the Lord helped me out there! Elder Pfleumer gave his final talk in Siegen, and then we visited multiple members throughout the rest of the day so my companion could say goodbye. It´s sad we only had six weeks together, but what can you do? We had a great time together, and I hope what lays ahead brings a lot of miracles!
Wearing Lederhosen
Temple Power
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