
Elder Aaron Baxter
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Kirche Jesu Christi
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Monday, January 12, 2015

End of the Sixth Transfer

This week was the final week of the transfer, so as usual, it was an unusual week.

Early in the week was district meeting, which was good.  Because we all thought it would be our last time together, we got a group photo, and then went our separate ways.  I went on a split in Unna, and while there, taught a less active member who is returning to church, set up a bunch of tables in the Unna church for an activity, and spent some time at the doctor´s office for the Elder I was with (He had a checkup appointment).  Directly after this split, we had a power split (two splits in the same area) in Unna, where I was with the district leader, and my companion was with the Elder I was with earlier.  With that I got to go to institute, while the other companionship went out in the middle of nowhere for an appointment.

At 11 in the evening we got a phone call from the other companions saying that they had no way back to Unna, and needed a ride back.  So the district leader and I jumped in the Unna car and traveled an hour to save our companions.  We didn´t get to bed until around 1 in the morning that day.

To end the week, we had transfer calls.  I will be staying in Paderborn, and my companion has been called to serve as a district leader in another area (side note:  He will be in Feucht, which is where the past Mission President, President Schwarz, lives).  In church the next day, my companion bore his testimony during sacrament meeting, and barely anyone knew what was going on.  Our recent convert knew that he would be leaving, so he got emotional, but the rest of the branch didn´t know.  After the meeting they all started asking him about where he was going and all that.  We ended the day visiting with the Branch President and his family so my companion could say goodbye, and there the Branch President showed off pictures from his mission.  Missionary work looked the same back then as it does now, I thought to myself while looking through the album of pictures.

The new transfer should be exciting with getting a new companion.  Until next week!

Last time together

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